A report to provide insight into the importance for climate-designated grants and financial instruments to better consider youth in their deployment.
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A report to provide insight into the importance for climate-designated grants and financial instruments to better consider youth in their deployment.
Demystifying Territorial and Federal governance structures, providing youth with practical knowledge and tools on how to take climate action at those levels.
This guide provides tips on three forms of direct action: letters, petitions & environmental petitions, and marches & demonstrations.
Identifies key barriers preventing Indigenous youth from engaging in climate decision-making and the recommendations to address the barriers.
Re-imagine how storytelling can be used as powerful, practical tool to catalyze climate justice.
Explore a glossary of helpful terms for engaging with climate justice and the Toolbox.
Read about the multi-solving approach and how governments and organizations can implement it with youth at the centre in our policy brief.
Funded by Mitacs and conducted by researchers from the University of Waterloo’s School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, this study explored how youth employment and climate action were considered in COVID-19 responses.
The Infiltration Manual aims to demystify municipal governance structures and provide youth with practical knowledge and tools on how to take climate action at the local level.